Creation, Science
and Faith

1 - Why Creation Matters
Does a literal creation of the universe as described in the Bible really matter to the Gospel? In this course we learn why the biblical doctrine of creation is not a side-issue, is not a ‘non-essential doctrine,’ but is in fact essential to the very heart of the Gospel message, which is the Cross of Christ.
2 - A Flattering Myth, or Infallible Truth?
We continue to discuss the need to presuppose the Bible, not man-made myths inspired by the Father of Lies. Dr. Barber explores the history of the myth of evolution, and how one must be self-critical about one's worldview, one's presuppositions, and ultimately to choose to let God's Word be our basic presupposition.
3 - Genesis is the Foundation
In this third talk, largely based on Ken Ham's book, The Lie, we discover how Genesis 1-11 is the foundation of every Christian doctrine. Examples of marriage, clothing, morality, sin, suffering and death, the new heavens and earth, show that we cannot answer any important question without starting with Genesis as historical fact.
4 - Evolution's Evil Fruit
In this fourth talk, continuing with Ken Ham's book, The Lie, we discover that the myth of Darwinian evolution has encouraged and exacerbated the wickedness of fallen humanity to committing all the atrocities of the modern world. And, we discover that the Gospel of grace can only be explained and offered on the basis of historical, scientific creation, not evolution.
5 - Creation or Compromise
In this fifth talk, we continue in Ken Ham's The Lie, as we learn more of the devastating effects of the false evolutionary worldview on our lives and on all of society. We discover the disastrous effects of compromise within the Body of Christ. In addition, we learn how to present the gospel of grace properly, in imitation of our Apostle Paul: 1) Creation, the Foundation of the Gospel, 2) The Cross, the Power of the Gospel, and 3) The Rapture and Consummation, the Hope of the Gospel.
6 - Evolution is Rejection of the Truth
In this sixth talk, Dr. Barber concludes Ken Ham's 'The Lie,' as we discuss how so many who call themselves Christians today are fulfilling Apostle Peter's prophecy of being 'willingly ignorant' of the truth about the past, as well as the truth about the future, falsely claiming that 'all things continue' according to the false evolutionary doctrine of uniformitarianism. We then discuss 20 reasons why creation and evolution CANNOT mix, and how to deal with the many false interpretations of Genesis 1-2.
7 - The Nature of Evidence
In this seventh talk, Dr. Barber begins Jason Lisle's 'The Ultimate Proof of Creation,' as we discuss how evidence, of itself, is insufficient to distinguish reality from fiction. All evidence is interpreted through one of two lenses: God's Word, or fallible human opinion. In this talk we see that while all the evidence supports biblical creation, a person is not likely to accept this unless they are presupposing the Bible.
8 - The Ultimate Proof of Creation
In this eighth talk, Dr. Barber continues Lisle's 'The Ultimate Proof of Creation,' as we discover that only the Bible provides the 3 criteria required for a rational worldview that's worthy of our acceptance. Only the Christian Bible is consistent, non-arbitrary, and provides the preconditions of intelligibility. The ultimate proof of creation is that, 'If biblical creation were not true, then we could not know anything.' Only on the basis of Genesis 1–11, and the rest of Scripture, can we conduct science, and think accurately about every field of knowledge.
9 - Reasoning with Unbelievers
In this ninth talk, Dr. Barber discusses Jason Lisle's 'The Ultimate Proof of Creation,' as we learn how to test worldviews using Scripture, using the Bible's 'Don't Answer, Answer' strategy (Proverbs 26:4-5). A belief must be justifiable (not arbitrary), consistent (not contradictory), and provide the preconditions for knowledge (not baseless). Learn to engage in spiritual warfare more effectively. If biblical creation were not true, then we could not know anything!
10 - Consistent Biblical Reasoning
In this tenth talk, Dr. Barber discusses Jason Lisle's 'The Ultimate Proof of Creation,' as we learn how to avoid logical fallacies, errors in reasoning, and instead learn to reason consistently on the basis of God's Word. Learn to engage in spiritual warfare more effectively, exercising the mind of Christ. And always remember the ultimate proof of creation: If biblical creation were not true, then we could not know anything!
11 - The Bible is the Basis of Logic
In this eleventh and final talk, Dr. Barber concludes Jason Lisle's 'The Ultimate Proof of Creation,' as we continue to learn how to avoid logical fallacies, errors in reasoning, and instead learn to reason consistently on the basis of God's Word. God’s Word, the Logos, is always perfectly logical, and is the very heart and basis of logic itself, so that: If biblical creation were not true, then we could not know anything, which is the ultimate proof of creation.